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Organization Troff document Southern Conservation Trust
The Southern Conservation Trust is dedicated to elevating nature through exceptional stewardship throughout Georgia and the Southeast. Based in Georgia, the Southern Conservation Trust is a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 58-2036727 that elevates nature through exceptional stewardship through over 57,000 acres of conserved land and public lands throughout the United States (Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Virginia, Colorado, Texas, and Kentucky) including 8 public nature areas in Fayette County, Georgia. We don’t just believe in protecting land, we believe people should have equal access to enjoy it. Preserving nature is what gives us joy! So we’re focused on making sure that everyone has access to nature. We develop public nature areas, provide environmental education, and conserve tens of thousands of acres of land, waterways, and valuable habitat each year. We depend on the ongoing support of individuals and corporate partners to ensure that the work we do will continue well into the future. We’re proud to say that we’ve been protecting the land we love and providing environmental education since 1993.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Do you want better results from your landowner outreach, but already feel overstretched? The Landowner Engagement Guide can help you get more bang for your outreach buck. It serves as a complete guide to designing programs and communications to engage landowners effectively. This resource is built by Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively (TELE). The guide is based on the TELE method, which is grounded in social science research and has been shown to deliver three times more landowner actions than standard outreach programs. It is full of practical ideas and examples that our team has distilled from working on hundreds of outreach projects all across the US. The guide is organized into short, topical sections so you can easily find what you need to make good decisions. Download the whole guide or go directly to the section relevant to you.
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
Video D source code The Value of Land
This video shares the stories of low-wealth heirs’ property owners in the South -- and how they are being served by The Center for Heirs' Property to protect rural, family-owned land.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Organization Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively (TELE)
Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively (TELE) works with partner organizations from all sectors to help them design and implement more effective programming and outreach. TELE can help you convince more landowners to adopt a desired behavior, whether that’s harvesting timber, permanently conserving land, or anything in between. We can help you connect with your audiences on a more personal and meaningful level. Most importantly, TELE tools and techniques can help you leverage your resources to successfully reach and persuade the right audiences to achieve your landscape level goals
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
USDA Awards 'Farmers Helping Hellbenders' Project $2.7 Million in Funding
The “Farmers Helping Hellbenders” project is among the projects set to receive funding through the RCCP Classic fund, which uses NRCS contracts and easements with producers, landowners and communities in collaboration with project partners.
Located in News & Events
Organization x-conference/x-cooltalk USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS helps America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners conserve the nation’s soil, water, air and other natural resources. All programs are voluntary and offer science-based solutions that benefit both the landowner and the environment.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization USDA--Farm Service Agency
Farm Service Agency is equitably serving all farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective, efficient agricultural programs for all Americans.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
USFWS Partners Program Celebrates Landowner's Conservation Success
Farms provide a buffer between urban areas and also habitat for wildlife identified in the county’s Multiple Species Conservation Plan. The program compensates landowners for placing an easement on their property to conserve these areas.
Located in News & Events
File Using the Conservation Tax Incentive
The permanent conservation easement tax incentive is a powerful tool that helps Americans conserve their land voluntarily.
Located in Landowner Information / Landowner Resources
Video Voices of African American Forestry
This short video captures the insights and reflections on past and present issues as well as the future aspirations for African American forestry and land retention. Featuring interviews with African American forest owners in the Southeastern Black Belt who are part of the Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention Network (SFLR).
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars