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File App LCC Boundary Change
Describing the boundary change for the Upper Chattahoochee watershed.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File Troff document Appalachian LCC Human Footprint
Depicts the impact of humans across the landscape
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
Spatial Data Appalachian Boundary File
This shapefile is the most current boundary file for the Appalachian LCC geography. This file will typically be more current than those found on the National LCC website.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File Coal Development Probability
This map depicts the future probability of development for Coal throughout the Appalachian LCC.
Located in Planning In Practice / Funded Project Maps
File Shale Gas Development Probability
This map depicts the probability of future gas shale development for the Appalachian LCC geography.
Located in Planning In Practice / Funded Project Maps
The Southeastern Ecological Framework Project is a GIS-based analysis to identify ecologically significant areas and connectivity in the southeast region of the U.S.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects
The National Geospatial Management Center (NGMC) has long been respected for the quality of maps it produces to support various Natural Resource Conservation Service projects and programs. In addition to producing maps, NGMC is a major distributor of geospatial data to support National, State and local field needs.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects
The National Wetlands Inventory Program has been producing wetland maps and geospatial wetland data for the United States since the mid-1970s. The focus of the program has been to map or prepare digital databases to deliver to the public, as well as project and report on national wetland trends using a probability-based sampling design.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects
A statewide landscape integrity model was developed as part of the on-going assessment of natural habitats by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects
Foundational and Partner Datasets
A dynamic index of data and tools.
Located in Data / Share Landscape Partnership and Partner Spatial Data