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78th Conference Special Session to Look at Landscape Conservation in North America
The last decade has seen significant advancements in the nature and number of science-management partnerships that address landscape-level conservation throughout North America. Numerous federal and state agencies, as well as conservation NGO’s, have joined forces through these partnerships to advance conservation that is holistic, collaborative, adaptive and grounded in science to ensure the sustainability of our lands, waters, wildlife and cultural resources.
Located in News & Events
File App LCC Boundary Change
Describing the boundary change for the Upper Chattahoochee watershed.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File Pascal source code App LCC Boundary Map
Detailed map of the Appalachian LCC area.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File App LCC Coal Fields
Depicts coal fields, coal types, and likely accessibility.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
File App LCC Coal Fields
Depicts coal fields, coal types, and likely accessibility.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File App LCC Crop Biomass
Depicts estimate of Crop Biomass from 2008 by county.
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
File App LCC Crop Biomass
Depicts estimate of Crop Biomass from 2008 by county.
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File application/x-iphone App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
Located in Apps, Maps, & Data / Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets / Appalchian Boundary and Resource Maps
File application/x-iphone App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
Located in Planning In Practice / Community Foundational Maps
File application/x-iphone App LCC Ecoregions (EPA level III)
Depicts EPA level III ecoregions which are encompassed by LCC
Located in Cooperative / / SC Indicator and Surrogate Species Work Group / Maps & GIS Materials