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Organization C header ForesTech
ForesTech provides a broad spectrum of custom forestry solutions and on the ground services to investment organizations, private landowners and public entities, backed by the highest levels of expertise in the industry.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Person Lee, Danny
Danny is Director of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station in Asheville, NC. He lead a diverse team of reearchers working to develop tools and information needed to detect, assess, and predict environmental treats to eastern forests.
Located in Expertise Search
Video CMU raster image Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras
Webinar on Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras presented by David King on July 24, 2020.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video America's Forests in South Carolina - Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention Network
This episode of America's Forests with Chuck Leavell in South Carolina features African American landowners and foresters and The Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention Network, a program of the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Voices of African American Forestry
This short video captures the insights and reflections on past and present issues as well as the future aspirations for African American forestry and land retention. Featuring interviews with African American forest owners in the Southeastern Black Belt who are part of the Sustainable Forestry and African American Land Retention Network (SFLR).
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
In 2012, we embarked on a project to help inform natural resource professionals, land use planners, private landowners and others about the issues facing our forestlands – both public and private – and to help them learn about opportunities and strategies to conserve open space through a series of monthly webinars. Below is the archive of these webinars. We hope you find them interesting!
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video LANDFIRE Data Applications for Research in Fire Ecology, Forest Mgmt in California
Brandon Collins presents the second in a series of webinars that LANDFIRE co-hosts with the California Fire Science Consortium. Collins is a USFS Research Forester based in Davis, CA, whose interests involve characterizing effects of fire and fuels treatments on forests at both the stand and landscape levels. He says, "My research intends to provide meaningful information to managers interested in improving forest resiliency and incorporating more natural fire-vegetation dynamics across landscapes."
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Organization Pascal source code Rhode Island Woodland Partnership
The Rhode Island Woodland Partnership (RIWP) advances the stewardship and long-term protection of Rhode Island’s woodlands to benefit the local economy, ecological values, and community enjoyment and health. The RIWP strives to increase the impact of forest conservation measures through education and information sharing.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Products and Tools for Energy Modelling
Models of wind, shale gas, and coal development for the entire study area have been created to predict potential future energy development and impacts to natural resources within the Appalachians. Models and data from all development projections populate a web-based mapping tool to help inform regional landscape planning decisions.
Located in Tools & Resources / Assessing Future Energy Development
File C++ source code Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachian LCC. Final Report
In this study funded by the Appalachian LCC, The Nature Conservancy assessed current and future energy development across the entire region. The research combined multiple layers of data on energy development trends and important natural resource and ecosystem services to give a comprehensive picture of what future energy development could look like in the Appalachians. It also shows where likely energy development areas will intersect with other significant values like intact forests, important streams, and vital ecological services such as drinking water supplies.
Located in Tools & Resources / Assessing Future Energy Development