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Project Chipola River Watershed Restoration Listed Mussels and Black Bass Initiative
A Chipola River watershed partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) have been initiated since 2006. The purpose was to develop and lead a research-based platform for environmental restoration and conservation. The Service, along with FWC, West Florida RC&D; Council and others developed a Chipola River Watershed Management Plan (CRWMP) to achieve management and conservation of fish and wildlife resources. This proposal is for the next steps toward management activities under the CRWMP.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Project Troff document Deadman's Island Restoration Project
Lead by the City of Gulf Breeze, this project restored coastal barrier habitat on Deadman's Island.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Organization chemical/x-pdb Escambia County Natural Resources Management
The Natural Resources Management Department provides a diverse array of vital environmental and natural resources programs. Its divisions include Environmental Code Enforcement, Marine Resources, Mosquito Control, Natural Resources Conservation, RESTORE, Water Quality and Land Management and Air Quality Monitoring.
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Project Troff document FISH Preserve Habitat Restoration Project
The Florida Institute For Saltwater Heritage (FISH) is restoring the “kitchen”, an important fisheries habitat for the section of shallow Sarasota Bay bottom south of Cortez. For villagers during the Depression, the kitchen provided food for the tables of their struggling families and was critical to their survival. In 1999, FISH raised money through community festivals to purchase 100 acres of environmentally-sensitive waterfront property that was slated for large scale development immediately east of the village. This historically-significant area became known as the FISH Preserve and is one of the last remaining undeveloped parcels on northern Sarasota Bay.
Located in Resources / Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Organization ECMAScript program Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) supports and promotes Florida agriculture, protects the environment, safeguards consumers, and ensures the safety and wholesomeness of food. Our programs and activities are so varied and extensive, they touch the life of just about every Floridian.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Pascal source code Florida Department of Environmental Protection
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is the state’s lead agency for environmental management and stewardship – protecting our air, water and land.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization C header Florida Department of Health
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Our mission: managing fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization x-conference/x-cooltalk Florida Forest Service
The mission of the Florida Forest Service is to protect and manage the forest resources of Florida, ensuring that they will be available for future generations.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Florida Institute of Technology
STEM—science, technology, engineering and math—is the driving force behind who we are, what we do and why we exist. Whether you major in aerospace engineering or biomedical science, business or communications, you’re going to graduate with a toolbox of vital high-tech skills that puts you ahead of the competition in the job market.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search