Coe et al_2012 climate change vulnerability assessment.pdf
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Comer et al_2012_NatureServe_HCCVI_Report.pdf
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Comer et al_2012_NatureServe_HCCVI_Appendix 2.pdf
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Comer et al_2012_NatureServe_HCCVI_Appendix 3.pdf
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Conservation Cooridor Digest
Monthly information on management, science, and climate change from Conservation Cooridor, an organization that provides up-to-date findings from science that will inform applied conservation. Conservation Cooridor also highlights new innovations in applied conservation, with the goal of guiding the direction of applied science toward management needs.
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News & Announcements
WLFW Newsletters
Conservation Corridor Newsletters
Conservation in a Changing Climate - Website
The success of future conservation efforts will depend upon our abilities to understand and predict ecosystem changes and take action to help species adjust to a changing climate.
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General Resources Holdings
Conservation in the face of climate change: The roles of alternative models, monitoring, and adaptation in confronting and reducing uncertainty
The broad physical and biological principles behind climate change and its potential large scale ecological impacts on biota are fairly well understood, although likely responses of biotic communities at fine spatio-temporal scales are not, limiting the ability of conservation programs to respond effectively to climate change outside the range of human experience. Much of the climate debate has focused on attempts to resolve key uncertainties in a hypothesis-testing framework. However, conservation decisions cannot await resolution of these scientific issues and instead must proceed in the face of uncertainty. We suggest that conservation should precede in an adaptive management framework, in which decisions are guided by predictions under multiple, plausible hypotheses about climate impacts. Under this plan, monitoring is used to evaluate the response of the system to climate drivers, and management actions (perhaps experimental) are used to confront testable predictions with data, in turn providing feedback for future decision making. We illustrate these principles with the problem of mitigating the effects of climate change on terrestrial bird communities in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA.
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Reports & Documents
Crosswalk between the Appalachian LCC and the NFWPCAS
A crosswalk between the Appalachian LCC objectives, actions, and funded research as addressed in the 5-Year Work Plan and the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Climate Adaptation Strategy.
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Past SC Meetings and Materials
Material for SC Call 6/26/13
Cumberland - Southern Appalachian Climate Change Vulnerability Species Assessments
These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the southeastern portion of the LCC, covering the area from southern West Virginia, south to Alabama, west to eastern Kentucky and Tennessee. Hyperlinks to additional information are separated into two additional spreadsheets, one for aquatic and subterranean, and another for terrestrial species.
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Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts
Vulnerability Assessment Foundational Data by Subregion
Dawson et al 2011_climate change-adaptive capacity.pdf
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