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Acquiring Information on the Climate Vulnerability of Appalachian Species and Habitats
A new report out of the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment research project addresses how the Cooperative should acquire information about the climate vulnerability of Appalachian species and habitats and share with its partners.
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Secretary Jewell Announces New Wildlife and Climate Studies at the Northeast Climate Science Center
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced recently that Interior’s Northeast Climate Science Center (NE CSC) is awarding nearly $700,000 to universities and other partners for research to guide managers of parks, refuges and other cultural and natural resources in planning how to help species and ecosystems adapt to climate change.
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100 Case Studies Published Today Show How Communities Are Preparing Our Roads, Airports, and Transit Systems for Climate Change
One hundred case studies released today by the Georgetown Climate Center demonstrate how leaders are responding to the growing threats from climate change to America's roads, airports, transit systems, and infrastructure.
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Geodiversity Key to Conserving Biodiversity Under Climate Change
The physical factors that create diversity (landform, bedrock, soil and topography), collectively known as geodiversity, might be the key to conserving biodiversity under a changing climate.
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Managing for Species Adaptive Capacity
A new paper authored by researchers at federal agencies, regional partnerships, and universities, including Appalachian LCC Coordinator and Senior Scientist Dr. Jean Brennan, proposes a new conceptual paradigm for adaptive capacity.
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BIG DATA as an engine for aquatic information creation
The smartest thing, the only thing really, we can do to conserve & preserve fisheries and aquatic biodiversity as the climate warms this century is to invest our limited resources wisely.
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Mountain Streams Offer Climate Refuge
A new study offers hope for cold-water species in the face of climate change. The study, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, addresses a longstanding paradox between predictions of widespread extinctions of cold-water species and a general lack of evidence for those extinctions despite decades of recent climate change.
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Forest Service Honored for Leadership in Promoting Climate Change Adaptation
For their outstanding work in raising awareness and addressing the impacts of climate change on the nation’s natural resources, the Forest Service was honored today as the first-ever recipients of the Climate Adaption Leadership Award for Natural Resources.
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Managing Climate Change Refugia to Protect Wildlife
Natural and cultural areas that will remain similar to what they are today -- despite climate change -- need to be identified, managed and conserved as “refugia” for at-risk species, according to a study published today in PLOS One.
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A National Experiment in Manager-Scientist Partnerships to Apply an Adaptation Framework
Forest managers across the U.S. are faced with implementing adaptation strategies in the face of severe droughts, wildfires, and other climate-related impacts.
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