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American Fisheries Society Newsletter March 2022

Spokane Abstract Submission, Conservation in Infrastructure Bill, Perspectives on Drones

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2022 Membership Grace Period Ends March 4

We know 2021 was another year full of ups and downs due to the pandemic, so we extended the membership renewal grace period. However, the final date to renew before your membership lapses and you lose access to your member benefits is this Friday, March 4. Renew now so you don't miss out on benefits such as:

  • Online access to six top fisheries journals
  • Fisheries magazine
  • 30% off books, such as the soon-to-be-released second edition of Methods for Fish Biology
  • Savings of up to $200 each on registration for the Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (JASM2022) and the 152nd Annual Meeting in Spokane
  • Participation in AFS Sections and Divisions

Renew now


Book Your Hotel for JASM 2022

Hotel reservation blocks for the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) in Grand Rapids this May are now open! Book now while a variety of great choices near the convention center are still available - we are expecting more than 4,000 attendees at this joint meeting.

Reservations are also now available for child care at JASM, featuring reasonable rates subsidized by the meeting organizers. Mothers' rooms are also available at the convention center. Book hotel Reserve child care

Spokane Abstract Submission Now Open

Abstract submission for symposia and contributed paper sessions is now open for the 152nd Annual Meeting in Spokane this August. Descriptions of each symposium session are available on the submission form. Submit your abstracts by April 8.

Submit abstract