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Target Bird Metrics: Interactive webpage

To meet final eligibility criteria for the systematic map, references had to present data for at least one of 3 general bird metric types. The following text lists specific metrics that might be included in each of these general bird metric types. Each reference was coded by a subject expert from the systematic map team as to whether it included data for one, two, or all three of these metric types.

Target Bird Metrics

To meet final eligibility criteria for the systematic map, references had to present data for at least one of 3 general bird metric types. The following text lists specific metrics that might be included in each of these general bird metric types. Each reference was coded by a subject expert from the systematic map team as to whether it included data for one, two, or all three of these metric types.

Abundance/Occurrence- Any metric that specifies whether more than 1 individual of a species has been recorded. This includes “abundance”, “count”, “relative abundance”, “density”, “presence/absence,” “prevalence,” “incidence”, “occupancy”, “occurrence probability” and related metrics.

Reproductive performance- Any metric related to any stage in the production of young. This includes “clutch size”, “hatching success”, “nest success”, “nest survival”, “pairing success”, “fecundity”, “productivity”, “reproductive success”, “nest survival”, “chick survival”, or any other demographic metric that can be calculated as a component of annual reproductive success.

Resource use/selection/preference- Any metric related to whether a bird “uses”, “prefers”, or “selects” a particular environmental attribute. This may include any number of metrics across a wide range of terminology related to habitat use, resource use, habitat selection, habitat preference, resource selection, foraging preferences, niche, and others.

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Target Bird Metrics PDF
Filed under: Literature Gateway