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More Quail Per Bale: Precision Conservation for a More Sustainable Future

More Quail Per Bale: Precision Conservation for a More Sustainable Future

How farming and quail management can be compatible on working lands.

Through the use and leverage of precision agriculture technology in the heart of Georgia’s cotton and quail country, wildlife habitat conservation and farm profitability thrive as new collaborations converge to deliver continual improvements and positive environmental outcomes on cotton’s agricultural landscapes. Follow along with the emerging collaboration between Cotton Incorporated, Quail Forever and other supporters through the story of cotton grower Nick McMichen and his family’s multi-generational farm.

Quail habitat such as field borders, pivot corners and pollinator patches can improve farm biodiversity while simultaneously helping the U.S. cotton industry move closer towards the 10-year sustainability goals. Implementing conservation practices to promote quail habitat can positively effect goals such as increasing soil carbon, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving water use efficiency. The use of precision technology tools helps demonstrate progress towards these goals and validate outcomes with real data.

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