Use these resources to answer your questions or help you find NRCS partners to assist you. Some resources here are best suited for technical partners while others will be relevant to producers and landowners. Look for the tag "Landowner" if you are particularly interested in resources best suited for producers and landowners.
Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas (2022) Framework for Conservation Action
This folder will contain the 2022 framework, as well as graphics, powerpoint presentations, and other materials that will support NRCS and partner staff in understanding this new path forward, and communicating it to others. Contact Bridgett Costanzo, NRCS, WLFW Regional Coordinator @ with any questions or additional information needs.
The Anchor Approach to Connectivity
ANCHOR is a new conservation approach that builds Areawide Networks to Connect Habitat and Optimize Resiliency. The approach guides investments in strategic “anchor” locations to connect wildlife populations, enhance landscape resiliency, and strengthen rural economies.
Apps, Maps, and Data
Maps, decision support tools, and spatial data relevant to work on Grasslands and Savannas.
General Resources and Publications
Written materials on Grasslands and Savannas that could be relevant to technical partners and/or landowners and community members -- including factsheets, reports, and articles
Helpful Tips for Implementation
Content will include information on advancements and new approaches that might be used in more states to advance grassland and savanna conservation. Initial "tips" will be NRCS-centric but please add any of your own tips or contact if you have new content to share through this space!