Join the Bobwhite in Hardwood Forested Systems Webinar!
Topics covered will include “Dry Upland Hardwoods,” managing upland hardwoods for forest health, assessing stands and examples of managements regimes on private and public land.
John received undergraduate and graduate degrees in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Mississippi State University and the University of Tennessee, respectively. He has been employed by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks since 2007 as a Private Lands Biologist and most recently as the coordinator of the Private Lands Program. John owns a Brittany spaniel named Flip that identifies as a bird dog.
This webinar series is presented by Quail Forever, Working Lands for Wildlife, and The Wildlife Society. The USDA-NRCS's Working Lands for Wildlife initiative uses a win-win approach to systematically target conservation efforts to improve agricultural and forest productivity which enhance wildlife habitat on working landscapes.