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Human-side of Restoration Webinar

Grand finale for the Human-side of Restoration Webinar Series. Please join us on Thursday, March 12th from 10:30-12:00 (Mountain) for Learning from our Ancestors: Combining ancient knowledge systems and modern science to achieve restoration.
When Mar 12, 2015
from 12:30 PM EDT to 02:00 PM EDT
Where Webinar
Contact Name
Attendees Who: Resource professionals, managers, cooperators, and partners interested in social dimensions of ecological restoration.
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Human-side of Restoration Webinar

Grand finale for the Human-side of Restoration Webinar Series on Thursday, March 12th from 10:30-12:00 (Mountain) for Learning from our Ancestors: Combining ancient knowledge systems and modern science to achieve restoration.


  • Serra Hoagland (Northern Arizona University and USFS Southern Research Station)
  • Frank Lake(Pacific Southwest Research Station),


Will describe traditional ecological knowledge and invaluable contributions of Native wisdom to ecological restoration. They will discuss case studies where traditional ecological knowledge was incorporated into wildlife management plans, fire and fuel management strategies, and collaborative research efforts.

When: Thursday, March 12th from 10:30 - 12:00 (Mountain Time)

Who:  Resource professionals, managers, cooperators, and partners interested in social dimensions of ecological restoration. Please direct this web address to anyone who might be interested!

How: Register at Up to 2 days ahead of the webinar, you will receive an email from Megan Matonis ( with instructions and a link for attending through AdobeConnect.

Contact Megan Matonis ( with questions or for special accommodations.


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