Team and Partner Workspace

This workspace is for the UTRB Imperiled Aquatic Species Conservation Strategy team and its partners, who are working together to implement this strategy for effective, cost-efficient conservation in the region.
If you need assistance working in the group
Complete Folder Content
To add or view content in the Workspace, click on links in the table below:
Title | Description |
Annual Project Planning Meeting Materials | Folder for adding files and draft documents in preparation and planning for annual meeting. |
Communications | This is the folder area for the communications workgroup to upload draft products, meeting notes, and other outreach materials. |
Maps and Graphics | Maps in draft format for use in reports and presentations. |
Reports and Reference Materials | This folder includes reports (published, unpublished,and draft format) as well as data spreadsheets relevant to conservation within the Upper Tennessee River Ba... |
Literature Cited | Literature cited list for the Imperiled Aquatic Species Conservation Strategy for the Upper Tennessee River Basin and associated references. |